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Ellechemy Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. This website (Website) and the products and services sold on, or via, this Website have been created and are controlled by Alpha XX Pty Ltd (ACN 643 852 38) (we, us or our).

1.2. Our Website has been created to allow customers to purchase prescription and non-prescription personal lubricants and related products and services. By accessing and continuing to use the Website, and our products or services you agree to this Privacy Policy.

1.3. We are committed to ensuring your personal information is protected. We manage your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

1.4. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, store, use and disclose your Personal Information, and how you may access your Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Act) kept by us or how you may make a privacy complaint.

1.5. We collect your Sensitive Information (as defined by the Privacy Act) such as information or opinions about your health, racial or ethnic origin or other such private information.

2. The information we collect about you

2.1. We will only collect and hold Personal Information and Sensitive Information (collectively, Personal Data) about you that is reasonably necessary to undertake our business activities and functions, deliver our products and services to you, or as otherwise permitted by law.

2.2. The type of Personal Data that we collect and use depends on the type of dealings that you have with us and includes the following:

(a) contact details (for example, full name, date of birth, address, details of any mobile and telephone numbers and email address);

(b) health information and medical history (for example, age, sex, gender, height, weight, lifestyle preferences, ethnicity, Medicare number, private health fund identifiers, details of any underlying health or medical condition, such as information relating to any existing allergy, illness, disability or injury);

(c) information relating to your dealings, or enquiries you have made with us, including information about the products or services you have ordered;

(d) payment and billing information, including any credit and debit card details;

(e) technology information relating to your access and use of our Website, location information, IP address and pages you have visited on our Website; and

(f) other information that you provide to us or that we may collect in the course of our relationship with you.

3. How we collect Personal Data

3.1. We will collect Personal Data about you in a number of different ways. We may collect Personal Data directly from you or in the course of our dealings with you. For example:

(a) when you create or update your account through our Website;

(b) when you complete our online health and medical history questionnaire prior to purchasing prescription products through our Website;

(c) when you order or request the delivery of our prescription or non-prescription products through our Website;

(d) when you contact us online or via telephone with a complaint or query, regarding our Website, products or services;

(e) when you contact us through our social media accounts;

(f) from third parties (including our related bodies corporate, business partners and service providers); or

(g) when otherwise legally authorised or required to do so.

3.2. When we collect Personal Data directly from you, we will take reasonable steps to notify you (using a collection notice) at, before, or as soon as practicable after, the time of collection.

4. How we use your Personal Data

We do not sell your Personal Data. We only use and disclose your Personal Data for the purposes for which the information is collected, including (but not limited to) to:

(a) provide you with access to, and use of, Website;

(b) provide or deliver our products and services to you;

(c) assist with, or respond to, your queries about our prescription and non-prescription products;

(d) inform you about our Website, products or services, or other matters which we believe are of interest to you (such as promotions or specials on our products);

(e) share with our Third Party Providers;

(f) administer, improve and manage our products, services and Website (including content on our website);

(g) charge and bill you for the use of our Website;

(h) for direct marketing purposes (see section 6 below); and

(i) complying with our legal and regulatory obligations.

5. Disclosure to Third Parties

5.1. In order to provide or deliver our products or services to you we may disclose your Personal Data to:

(a) our doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals who are involved in developing, subscribing and dispensing prescription and non-prescription products ordered by you;

(b) courier and delivery service providers who are involved in delivering our products to your nominated address;

(c) our third party payment processors to facilitate payment for our products and services;

(d) our related bodies corporate, business partners, service providers, third party contractors, agents or suppliers, external business advisors or other authorised external service providers who perform functions on our behalf (collectively, Third Party Providers); and

(e) law enforcement bodies or regulatory authorities to assist with their functions, or as otherwise required or authorised by law.

5.2. Prior to the disclosure of Personal Data to Third Party Providers, we will take such steps as reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the Third Party Providers treat your Personal Data securely and otherwise complies with the relevant Australian Privacy Principles in relation to the Personal Data.

6. Marketing communications

6.1. We may use and disclose your Personal Data to send you information about the products or services we offer, as well as other information that may be of interest to you. We may send this information in a variety of ways, such as by mail, email, SMS, telephone, social media or by customising online content and displaying advertising on our Website.

6.2. If you do not wish to receive any of these marketing communications, you can opt out by following the unsubscribe instructions included in the relevant marketing communication, or by contacting us using the contact details set out in section 12 below.

7. Overseas disclosures of Personal Data

7.1. In the course of providing you with our products or services, it may become necessary or desirable to disclose Personal Data to Third Party Providers located overseas. The countries in which these overseas recipients may be located will depend upon the individual circumstances. However, in the course of our ordinary business operations we commonly disclose billing and payment information to our third party payment processor, PayPal, who are located in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For information about PayPal’s privacy practices, visit

7.2. The laws where these overseas recipients may be located provide various levels of protection for Personal Data which are not always equivalent to the level of protection that may be provided for in Australia. Where we transfer your Personal Data overseas we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Data is treated securely and the means of transfer provides adequate safeguards.

8. Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme

In the event of any loss, or unauthorised access or disclosure of your Personal Data that is likely to result in serious harm to you, we will investigate and notify you and the Australian Information Commissioner as soon as practicable, in accordance with notifiable data breach scheme contained in Part IIIC of the Privacy Act.

9. Security of your Personal Data

9.1. We take steps which are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the Personal Data we hold is protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

9.2. The transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our online services and any transmission is at your own risk.

9.3. We will destroy or de-identify Personal Data in circumstances where it is no longer required, unless we are otherwise required or authorised by law to retain the information.

10. Accessing and correcting your Personal Data

10.1. We take steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure Personal Data we hold is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading. Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access and seek correction of your Personal Data that is collected and held by us.

10.2. If at any time you would like to access or correct the Personal Data we hold about you, or you would like more information about our approach to privacy, please contact us via the contact details set out in section 12 below. If we refuse your request to access or correct your Personal Data, we will provide you with written reasons for the refusal and details of complaint mechanisms.

11. Cookies

We use small text files placed on your computer called ‘cookies’ to collect standard log and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form. We use this information to analyse how visitors use our website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. You can set your computer to reject cookies, but this may affect your ability to use certain parts of our website.

12. Privacy complaints

If you have any complaints or issues you wish to raise with us regarding the way we have handled your Personal Data, or would like to discuss any issues about our Privacy Policy, please contact us directly by email at

13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

From time to time it may be necessary for us to review and revise our Privacy Policy. We may notify you about changes to this Privacy Policy by posting an updated version on our Website. We encourage you to check our Website from time to time to ensure you are familiar with our latest Privacy Policy.

Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.

Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.

Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.

Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.