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What is a gynaecologist?

What is a gynaecologist? We asked Dr Raelia Lew, Gynaecologist, CREI Fertility Specialist and Ellechemy Co-Founder:

'A Gynaecologist is a specialist in women’s health in the multiple domains of medicine and surgery.

Medical gynaecology involves managing conditions of the female reproductive system using medication, including hormones. 

Antenatal care and Obstetrics involves that management of pregnancy and birth.

Surgical Gynaecology involves pelvic surgery such as laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy, removal of fibroids, management of prolapse and of course management of gynaecological cancer. 

Within and beyond the study of specialist obstetrics and gynaecology, some specialists choose to further specialise in various subspecialty areas. There include advanced gynaecological diagnostic and interventional ultrasound, Infertility and reproductive endocrinology, Gynaecological cancer management, Urogynaecology and Maternal-foetal Medicine. 

Studying to become a gynaecologist is a long road and generally takes at least 12 years of combined undergraduate and/or postgraduate study to attain a medical degree, mandatory junior doctor experience and to attain a fellowship degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology after passing prescribed examinations, teaching and surgical logbook assessments. In reality for most specialists, attaining the required experience can take even longer, where a challenge is not mastered at the first attempt, or when breaks from full time work occur for personal reasons.    

Studying to become a gynaecologist, I learned a lot about female anatomy (how the body is formed) and functional physiology (how the female body works). Much focus was placed on the management of pregnancy and birth, and the treatment of common and rare gynaecological diseases. Much emphasis was placed on surgical training and proficiency. However, little emphasis was placed on female sexuality, orgasm physiology or female sexual satisfaction. Zero emphasis was placed on female pleasure. 

It may sound shocking to consider that almost all lubricant formulations used today were not designed by gynaecologists. A conclusion as to why may be that female pleasure and sexuality in general has not been a focus of gynaecological teaching. However who is better equipped than a gynaecologist to understand, innovate and problem solve in this area of anatomy, form and physiology? 

With Ellechemy, we have created a collection of products that can be tailored to women’s needs with gynaecological insight, an innovation perspective and a functional superiority to help women enjoy the magic.'

Seek out Ellechemy options to improve your sex life.