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What is Bio-identical Oestrogen?

Bio-identical oestrogen refers to oestrogen hormone in the identical molecular form produced by the ovaries before menopause.

We know that for many women, local vaginal oestrogen replacement is extremely safe. Oestrogen is a hormone and requires a personalised prescription. Estradial may or may not be the best choice for you but for many women it is a Godsend. Estradial intimate moisturiser is not designed to be a hormone replacement therapy and as such it does not replace the role of menopause hormonal therapy (MHT, sometimes called hormone replacement therapy or HRT) prescribed by your GP, gynaecologist or endocrinologist. Estradial can safely be used as an additional help to women already using MHT/HRT.

For ovulating women, oestrogen is an aphrodisiac. It promotes arousal and natural lubrication. Oestrogen enriched lubricant aims to restore these feelings at life stages where natural oestrogen levels are low.   

Commercially available pharmaceutical vaginal oestrogens contain chemically altered natural oestrogen-like varietals together with preservative for a longer shelf life. Adjuvants in their formulae can cause irritation, burning and their texture can be particulate and cause unpleasant and excessive vaginal discharge. Many women have tried and given up on vaginal oestrogen generically prescribed by their doctor for these reasons. For women in this circumstance, the beautiful feel of Estradial used as a daily treatment can be extremely helpful.

Estradial delivers low dose, bio-identical oestrogen in a beautiful, luxurious formula that feels fresh, smooth and lovely. Also designed for daily use as a gentle treatment, this formula aims to help your vagina feel comfortable, moist and revitalised.

It is important to note that strong evidence emphasises using topical vaginal oestrogen does not increase medical risks for women of developing breast cancer, stroke or blood clots. 


Lethaby A, Ayeleke RO, Roberts H. Local oestrogen for vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD001500. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001500.pub3. Accessed 07 July 2024.